The Doldrums

I feel like someone who was cast adrift in the Doldrums for much of the last month, put down dead-centre of becalmed equatorial oceans where it was just limitless skies and an intimidating, nerve wracking silence. The occasional exhausted bird pulling up alongside. It was distinctly odd to not have the phone ringing every few minutes, or the calendar packed with obligations, especially after the madness of the last few pandemic-muddled years.

The break, though, wasn’t entirely unwelcome, offering as it did a little time to sort through all the half-executed summer plans, and to tick a few family boxes. There was time also for deep breaths and a few jumping jacks. Moments when I felt very much the self-conscious middle-aged man auditioning for a Wes Anderson cameo.

But I’m back. There is wind in the sails. I’ve moved some things around at the office too, made some new routes from A to B. It’s all very exciting. It might be alright, this fall real estate season, that’s my thought, a bit more like the old days, when including some due diligence in an offer meant you were responsible, rather than dead in the water.

What I’m saying, I suppose, is that if you’re interested in some movement of your own, if you’re ready too, there’s a contact button hereabouts, and even a phone number. If you’re so inclined, we can navigate together whatever the real estate world throws our way.